Tuesday, June 7, 2011

These girls!

These girls are the best in the whole world. I'm so lucky. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

V&S are 15 months old now! Both have been walking since 14 months. Time flies! Darrin fell and broke his femur at the beginning of March so the girls have been enjoying having him at home. :)
Stella says: Hi, Momma, Dada, up, down, Gigi...and probably a couple of other words I can't think of right now.
Vivi says: momma, dada, Gigi, up, down, moo, thank you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

V&S have both taken steps...but no full on walking yet (and I'm not rushing it either!). I can NOT believe they will be 1 in just over a day...sob, sob, sob. This truly has been the best year of my life and these girls are just the light of my life. I am so lucky. :) Darrin and I are always saying this.

Things they are doing:

Stella: Ways Hi and Bye, says "Hi" sometimes. Says "momma" and "dada". She is often whispering a bunch of jibberish or whispering to one of her toys. She loves little things she can hold onto like the Little People or the small bug squirters we have for the bath. She will find the littlest piece of paper or receipt on the floor and carry it around or chew on it. She loves to drink out of a straw sippy cup. She claps fiercly and has learned how to "roll them up" with her hands. She mimicks alot and clicks her tongue and does fish kisses. Stella is very independent...unless she can't see you then she gets very upset. She is leary of strangers and generally needs Darrin, Myself or GiGi within sight at all times. But if you want to hold her and love on her she pushes you away or turns her head...ahh. She sucks her thumb when she is tired. She loves dairy like yogurt and cottage cheese. She was holding food in her mouth for hours but seems to have stopped doing that. She has had a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks, it feels like she has gotten much taller. She was 19lbs 13oz at the Dr today. She wears size 9-12month clothes now but 2 weeks ago was still wearing 6-9months. She wears size 3 diapers. Her hair doesn't stick up straight anymore. She loves to be turned upside down/thrown up in the air/tossed on the couch/rode around on the play airplane/etc.

Vivi: She is just starting to wave. She YELLS "MOMMA!!!" alot. :) She says Dada as well. She is working on her "g" sound and has said "GiGi". Gigi is Terra who is the sitter...she is like a grandmother. :) Vivi has been clapping for a long time. She has learned how to hit her sister as well. She LOVES to be held and is such a cuddler. She loves to nap. She sucks her thumb alot, probably 75% of the day...and all night. She is sooo close to full on walking. She is very quick walking around with limited support. I often see her walking along the walls with just 1 or 2 fingers touching. She gets very excited about seeing the dogs. Both her and Stella love to look out the front door window and see what is going on outside. Her hair is getting thick and I can put bows in it now. :) She is very tall...or it seems like it. She is in size 12 month clothes but the shirts are shorter on her...18 month clothes are way too big though. Her pants are short on her but the waist is big. Size 4 diapers. LOVES Cheerios and any bread/pancake/waffle she can get her hands on. Vivi loves to get a book out and turn the pages and study it (or at least that is what it looks like). Vivi is more cautious and prefers not to be rough-housed. She can scoot herself around on the rolling sitting toys.

Merry Christmas!!!

Peeking out the window


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stella took her first "paces" in crawling yesterday (20th). Vivi rocked back and forth on her hands an knees for weeks before actually crawling. But Stella, she did very little rocking and just kinda went forward! :) She says "Ba ba ba" alot. She also says "mom mom mom" when she is upset just like Vivi does. Stella likes to be held alot and reaches for you. Vivi has started to crawl to me and then reaches up and says "mom mom". So adorable. I can't believe how big they are getting!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well Vivi is crawling a little bit. She has been for about 3 weeks. She scoots alot (kinda hopping like a bunny on her hands and knees). She gets up on her tippy toes and hands which is funny. Stella is a chatterbox. She isn't into the whole "real food" thing really. She'll take 4-5 bites and that is it. Vivi on the other hand willing opens her mouth and is ready to eat! They have both started reaching out to be picked up with is adorable. They make each other laugh (and cry). We've been swimming a few times which they both seem to enjoy. I swear that Vivi says "mom mom mom" when she is really upset. Vivi loves it when we sneeze or one of the dogs sneezes, she thinks it is hilarious. They both love the cat and dogs and reach out for them.

Thursday, July 29, 2010